Free Workout VIDEOS

Don't have time to hit the gym an hour a day to lose weight?

That's okay. Because you don't have to.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean exercising isn't important.

But the idea that you have to sign up for an expensive gym membership,

spend 2+ hours everyday there,

and put down protein powder and supplements to get fit?

That's a marketing ploy.

There's a simpler path to weight loss, and it includes a simple exercise plan that you only need...

...once or twice a week,

and twenty minutes a session.

Plus, you don't need any expensive equipment or to go anywhere special. You can workout in the comfort of your own home.

This workout program is one part of the force that brought me from the guy on the left to the man on the right!

Get these 2 free vidEos and you will also get...

... crucial information about how it works, why you shouldn't rely on exercise and what to do about it!

I'm Roderick, and I guide Midlifers through permanent weight loss and to metabolic health. Take back control of your health and avoid the meds."

orange and black usb cable on brown wooden surface

Don't exercise HARDER.
Exercise SMARTER!

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